Need Help with Cellular Respiration and Genetics for Biology Paper 2

Hi everyone,

I’m studying for my Biology Paper 2 exam and could really use some help with a couple of topics. Can anyone explain the following concepts to me?

  1. Cellular Respiration:

What do mitochondria do in our cells?
Can someone break down the stages of cellular respiration for me (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation)?
I have some data showing how much oxygen cells are using over time. The data indicates that without glucose, the oxygen consumption starts at 0 µmol and increases slowly to 25 µmol in 10 minutes. When glucose is present, the consumption starts increasing more rapidly, reaching 120 µmol in 25 minutes. How should I interpret this to understand how cellular respiration changes with and without glucose?

| Time (minutes) | Oxygen Consumption (µmol) | Condition |
| 0              | 0                          | - Glucose |
| 5              | 10                         | - Glucose |
| 10             | 25                         | - Glucose |
| 15             | 50                         | + Glucose |
| 20             | 100                        | + Glucose |
| 25             | 120                        | + Glucose |
  1. Genetics:

How does DNA replication happen in our cells? What are the main enzymes involved?
Can someone explain the basics of Mendelian inheritance and how it works for single-gene (monohybrid) and two-gene (dihybrid) traits?

I have a family tree chart for a certain trait. How can I figure out how this trait is inherited?

Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Data Science Learning

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I do not understand what you want can you please explain it.
