[SPM Chemistry Kedah Set 1 Q 13] Why the answer is B?


Rajah menunjukkan susunan atom dalam logam tulen dan aloi apabila daya dikenakan.
Diagram shows the arrangement of atoms in pure metal and alloy when a force is applied.

Antara berikut yang manakah paling tepat menerangkan sifat logam tulen dan aloi?
Which of the following most accurately describes the properties of pure metal and alloy?
A Logam tulen lebih lembut berbanding aloi
Pure metal is softer than alloy

B Logam tulen bersifat mulur berbanding aloi
Pure metal is ductile compared to alloy

C Logam tulen mudah ditempa berbanding aloi
Pure metal is malleable than alloy


Hi Farhaini,
Here’s the difference between ductile and malleable:

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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Ouhhhh I seee Thank you very much! :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

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